customer loyalty program

The Top 3 Customer Loyalty Tools You Can Use Today

Getting the most value out of every single customer is a huge challenge for every business. Very few organisations invest adequate resources into improving the customer journey. But for those that do, the payoff can be immense.

Customer loyalty is the cornerstone of success for many small businesses. It’s widely known that retention is far cheaper than acquisition. However, when it comes to retaining those valued clients, many business owners don’t know where to start.

Excellent customer service and a quality product simply won’t cut it in today’s competitive world. In order to keep your customers coming back, they need to benefit from doing business with you. This is where loyalty programs come in.

To save you some time and effort, we’ve put in the hours to find the best customer loyalty programs that money can buy. These may not be appropriate for every business, but they’ll certainly give you an idea of exactly what you need to do to get as much bang for your buck as possible from every customer.


Belly is one of the largest digital loyalty apps in the world. Integrating a huge array of features, it’s become one of the leading choices for small businesses across a range of industries.

Built on the experiences of thousands of small businesses, Belly emphasises data collection and personalised rewards systems to retain clients. Some of the top features of Belly include:

  • Immediate collection of customer info.
  • Simple, integrated email marketing campaigns.
  • Easy social media management (with a strong emphasis on customer acquisition and exposure).

Belly allows you to customise your own rewards programs to suit the needs of your customers. By using mass customer data, you can refine your rewards program to be even more effective over time.

Belly claims to increase customer visits by 54%, which is a significant amount for any business.

Spring Rewards

Spring Rewards bridges the gap between the online and the offline world. One of the standout features of Spring Rewards is the collection of credit card data, allowing your customers to transition between a physical presence in your store and simply shopping online.

Spring Rewards is a standout analytics platform. With real-time collection of spending data from your clients, Spring Rewards allows you to deliver customised incentives to existing customers, giving you the opportunity to increase the value of every single transaction.

The best part about Spring Rewards is its simplicity. With very little requirement for training and a simple setup, anyone can start using Spring Rewards. However, don’t underestimate it – if you gather enough data and segment your audience accurately, Spring Rewards can be a very powerful tool.



Spendgo is one of the market leaders for true customer journey tracking. Designed to add value to every step of the journey, Spendgo is a fantastic tool for really getting the most out of every touch point you have with your customers.

Boasting closed loop promotions which can be highly segmented and customised, and top-notch reporting, Spendgo is the way to go for anyone who wants to ensure they aren’t losing their customers’ interest.

One of the more powerful tools available with Spendgo is highly customised outbound campaigns via SMS and email. Once you have a client’s data, any activity they pursue on-site or instore only adds to the high level of customisation you can achieve.

Checking Out

Choosing the right customer loyalty program can be incredibly difficult. At the end of the day, every business has different needs and widely varying customer bases. Understanding your clients and the type of rewards they desire is key to choosing the right loyalty software for your business. Ultimately, there are handfuls of valid customer loyalty programs you could begin implementing today. All you need is a bit of time for research and implementation, you’ll be thanking yourself for doing it – and trust us; so will your customers.