Top 3 Marketing Resolutions for 2016
Why do we resolve to do things differently at the start of each year? Maybe your best, longest running resolutions have come at a time when no one was asking, or looking.
For 2016 we think the best way to resolve to do something better is to at least look at what other reputable sources recommend so you can decide for yourself.
Because we focus on getting the best online sales and marketing results for our clients we recommend these top three ideas from the great list built by Hubspot.
1. Get a mobile strategy
We are still amazed at the number of websites out there that are not built in mobile friendly way. In part of the western world more Google searches are being done on mobile than on desktop. That means the fresh young eyes and those young at heart that need big font are all looking for you on their phone!
PC and laptop design will always be important but if a site is not built to look good and be searchable on a mobile then Google/people will eventually switch off your business. This article here explains the mobile strategy basics.
2. Write something every day
Sounds airy fairy but writing something every day means you have a source of unique content to pull from regularly.
Why do you need content?
- To show Google your website content is refreshed regularly
- To get a chance at being an influencer on LinkedIn, allowing you to build your network
- To keep your products and services fresh
Ok we aren’t perfect either and are always striving for better but we do think this one will lead to good things professionally and its all within your power. Find your ideal writing time to achieve writing every day.
3. Prioritise sleep!
We probably should have made this number one but so crazy important. If you need to break through and achieve your next level goals a consistent good night of sleep is key.
What we have learned is that a good night of sleep is individual so its worth figuring out what works for you – check out this article here on how to make your own personal sleep plan
Call them resolutions or just call them good ideas to start with in 2016, we think these are some of the best. We also think its best to keep a concise set of goals that you can focus on from week to week.
Good luck this year and we hope we cross paths with you!